CALL OR TEXT US: (720) 383-8043 OR (719) 725-9045
Let Us Paint Your House!
Spectrum Painting is a new business established in August 2021. We, the owners Brian and Christina, have a shared experience of 10 years. We primarily painted multimillion dollar custom homes in the past. We love our quality of work so we have decided to take that experience and bring it to you!
Get An Estimate
OR CALL US : (720)383-8043
Our Vision
Our plan for Spectrum Painting is to remain a small company to insure our customers have the same great quality and experience everytime. Our mission is to give new life to your home, with the quality of a multimillion dollar home at an affordable price range.
What we do
Our experience gives us insight on color choices, stain matches and quality of paint and stain products. It has also granted us the ability to answer any questions or concerns you may have about the condition of your homes existing interior and exterior paint and stain. All it takes is a simple walk through of your home and we can send a free estimate.